  • 02 Feb 2024
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Article summary

Creation Device: The type of device that is used to provide reference graphics when generating the report.

Creation Printer Name: The name of the printer that is used to provide reference graphics when generating the report.

Do Events: Specifies whether the control should handle Windows messages while rendering reports.

Emf Type: The type of metafiles created by the current report.

Expose Script Objects: Specifies whether script objects added with the AddScriptObject(String,Object) method should be exposed to subreports.

Font Processing Options: Gets the FontProcessingOptions object which determines how font substitution and embedding are handled when the report generates. 

  • Embedded Fonts Glyphs Build Mode: Indicates how C1.C1Preview.EmbeddedFont builds lists of glyphs when C1.C1Preview.FontProcessingOptions.FontHandling is set to C1.C1Preview.FontHandling.EmbedActualFonts or C1.C1Preview.FontHandling.BuildActualDocumentFonts. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.FontProcessingOptions)

  • Font Handling: indicating how font embedding and substitution are handled by the current C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument or C1.C1Report.

  • Substitution Fallback Font Name: Gets or sets the name of a font used when a document or report cannot find a suitable font to display a text.

  • Use Old Substitution Algorithm: Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the old algorithm of font substitution.

Grow Shrink Mode: The method used to process CanGrow/CanShrink fields.

Ignore Script Errors: Specifies whether the component should ignore script errors by default.

Max Pages: The maximum number of pages allowed for a report.

Outline Root Level: The starting outline level for the groups in this report.

Page Rendering Mode: Specifies the page rendering mode to use when generating the report.

Records Per Page: The number of detail records to render per page or group.

Use Gdi Plus Text Rendering: Indicates whether all text in the current report should be rendered using GDI+ text API.

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