Alarm Event Data
  • 02 Feb 2024
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Alarm Event Data

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Article summary

The Normalized sheet can be used to look at alarm event data for tags. To choose alarm event data, select “Alarm Events” under the Data type drop-down menu in the settings pane. This will change the mode of the normalized sheet. Drag a tag into the first tag column.

Comment: This is the comment that is entered by the user for the alarm event.

Lname: This is the long name for the alarm. It is filled into the alarm configuration when the alarm is made. It is the “Description” field in the Alarm Config screen

Fullreason: This the reason that is selected and assigned to the alarm from the reason tree

Recorded: Time that the comment and/or fullreason was recorded in the database. Compares to EndEvent, which is the end time of the event.

Processname: Which process the tag is in

Endevent: The end time of the event

Gradename: Which grade this event was recorded against if it is a grade-based process

Gradedescription: The description of the grade

Calc: A calc column, just like the calc columns in a normal normalized sheet.

The same tag can be copied across multiple columns in order to read multiple Interpolate types. A typical alarm event normalize sheet might contain the comment, full reason, and end event for each alarm tag.

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