  • 30 Jan 2024
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Article summary

PARCview can return aggregated tag data without requiring users to create a new calculated tag. Aggregates are requested by appending a “tag switch” to a fully qualified UTAG name: Location.Source.TagName/TagSwitch.

The main aggregate tag switches can be categorized as follows:

  • Trend: These tag switches only apply in Trend displays.

  • Fixed: The Fixed aggregates are calculated over fixed intervals, specifically the seconds, minutes, and hours of the day, and days of the year.

  • Relative: Relative aggregates are calculated over a given timespan from an arbitrary starting point, typically the start time of Trend displays.

  • Aligned: Aligned aggregates are calculated over a given timespan from a specified time of the day, such as “7:00” for 7 AM.

The following is a table of tag switches used to request aggregated data.


Tag Switch





No additional syntax required

Instructs Trend to return plot-reduced data set for tag. Automatically applied when a tag is added to a trend.



No additional syntax required

Instructs Trend to return raw data for a tag. Same result as removing /PLOT from a tag.



No additional syntax required

Returns a time-weighted average calculated from 12:00 AM to 12:00 PM, not including the end time.



No additional syntax required

Returns a time-weighted average calculated from the beginning of the hour (1:00, 2:00, etc.) to the end of the hour, not including the end time.



No additional syntax required

Returns a time-weighted average calculated from the beginning of the minute to the end of the minute (5:45-5:46, etc.), not including the end time.



No additional syntax required

Returns a time-weighted average calculated from the beginning of the second to the end of the second (5:45:07-5:45:08, etc.), not including the end time.



e.g. /AVG=5M

Returns the arithmetic average calculated over the interval. Specify the interval as a function of a number plus a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days).



e.g. /TAVG=5M

Returns the time-weighted average calculated over the interval. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days).



e.g. /I=5M

Returns an interpolated value calculated at the start time of the interval, based on the tag's interpolation mode. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days).



e.g. /MIN=5M

Returns the minimum value within the interval. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days).



e.g. /MAX=5M

Returns the maximum value within the interval. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days).



e.g. /STDEV=5M

Returns the standard deviation within the interval. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days).



e.g. /TOTAL=5M

Returns the TimeAvg * the interval in seconds. Used for summing rates. The resulting units are normalized to seconds, so a unit conversion is required if the rate uses different units. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days).



e.g. /AVG(5M,7:00)

Returns the arithmetic average calculated over the interval starting from the align time. Specify the interval as a function of a number plus a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days), and specify the align time as a time of the day (7:00, 17:30, etc.).



e.g. /TAVG(5M,7:00)

Returns the time-weighted average calculated over the interval starting from the align time. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days), and specify the align time as a time of the day (7:00, 17:30, etc.).



e.g. /I(5M,7:00)

Returns an interpolated value calculated at the start time of the interval starting from the align time, based on the tag's interpolation mode. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days), and specify the align time as a time of the day (7:00, 17:30, etc.).



e.g. /MIN(5M,7:00)

Returns the minimum value within the interval starting from the align time. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days), and specify the align time as a time of the day (7:00, 17:30, etc.).



e.g. /MAX(5M,7:00)

Returns the maximum value within the interval starting from the align time. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days), and specify the align time as a time of the day (7:00, 17:30, etc.).



e.g. /STDEV(5M,7:00)

Returns the standard deviation within the interval starting from the align time. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days), and specify the align time as a time of the day (7:00, 17:30, etc.).



e.g. /TOTAL(5M,7:00)

Returns the TimeAvg * the interval in seconds. Used for summing rates. The resulting units are normalized to seconds, so a unit conversion is required if the rate uses different units. Specify the interval as a function of a number followed by a time key letter (S=Seconds, M=Minutes, H=Hours, D=Days), and specify the align time as a time of the day (7:00, 17:30, etc.).

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